
Neuroimaging Toolkit

Primary LanguagePython


Neuroimaging Toolkit

Provide utils functions and commands organized by software.

    ├── bids
    │   ├── Related to BIDS
    ├── cat12vbm
    │   └── Related to CAT12 VBM pipeline
    ├── fs
    │   └── Freesufer
    ├── image
    │   └─── Image, referential, mask, resampling, preprocessing
    │        * (list of) Niftii image(s).
    |        * array data structure (n_subjects, n_channels, image_axis0, image_axis1, ...)
    ├── mesh
    │   └── Related to meshes (giftii)
    └── spmsegment
        └── Related to spm sgementation