Ruby on Rails: Github Events API

Project Specifications

Read-Only Files

  • spec/*
  • db/migrate/*


  • Ruby version: 2.7.1
  • Rails version: 6.0.2
  • Default Port: 8000


  • run:
bin/bundle exec rails server --binding --port 8000
  • install:
bin/env_setup && source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm && rvm --default use 2.7.1 && bin/bundle install
  • test:
RAILS_ENV=test bin/rails db:migrate && RAILS_ENV=test bin/bundle exec rspec

Question description

In this challenge, your task is to implement a simple REST API to manage a collection of Github events.

Each Github event has the following structure:

  • id: The unique ID of the event. (Integer)
  • event_type: The type of event. (String)
  • public: Whether the event is public, either true or false. (Boolean)
  • repo_id: The ID of the repository the event belongs to. (Integer)
  • actor_id: The ID of the user who created the event. (Integer)

Example of an event data JSON object:

  "id": 1,
  "event_type": "PushEvent",
  "public": true,
  "repo_id": 1,
  "actor_id": 1


You are provided with the implementation of the Event model. The REST service must expose the /events endpoint, which allows for managing the collection of event records in the following way:

POST /events:

  • creates a new event
  • expects a JSON event object without an id property as the body payload. You can assume that the given object is always valid except that the type might be invalid. A valid type is one of PushEvent, ReleaseEvent, or WatchEvent.
  • you can assume that all other values in the payload given to create the object are always valid
  • if the given type is invalid, the response code is 400
  • if the type is valid, it adds the given event object to the collection of events and assigns a unique integer id to it. The first created event must have id 1, the second one 2, and so on.
  • if the type is valid, the response code is 201 and the response body is the created event object, including its id

GET /events:

  • returns JSON of a collection of all events, ordered by id in increasing order
  • returns response code 200

GET /repos/:repo_id/events:

  • returns a collection of events related to the given repository ordered by id in increasing order
  • returns response code 200

GET /events/:id:

  • returns an event with the given id
  • if the matching event exists, the response code is 200 and the response body is the matching event object
  • if there is no event in the collection with the given id, the response code is 404