This package provides a fast way to implement the lack of fit tests for both low and high dimensional quantile regression models. More details about these test methods can be found in Dong, Li and Feng (2019).
y <- GrowthData[, 1]
x <- as.matrix(GrowthData[, 25 : 40])
out <- qrfit(y, x, tau = 0.75, lambda = seq(0.01, 0.03, length.out = 100), criteria = 'BIC')
beta_hat <- debias(y, x, out$beta_hat, tau = 0.75, c_h = 5e-3)
t_out <- qrloft(y, x, beta_hat, tau = 0.75, type = "HighDim")
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Feng, X. D., He, X. M. and Hu, J. H. (2011), Wild bootstrap for quantile regression, Biometrika, 94, 995-999.
Dong, C., Li, G. D. and Feng, X. D. (2019), Lack-of-fit tests for quantile regression models, Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, to appear.
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This R package is maintained by Chen Dong (