
Home Assistant component for complete router administration of the TP-Link Archer C6U

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Home Assistant component for complete router administration of the TP Link Archer C6U based on the TP-Link Archer C6U



  • Router Reboot
  • 2.4Ghz main wifi Enable/Disable
  • 5Ghz main wifi Enable/Disable
  • 2.4Ghz guest wifi Enable/Disable
  • 5Ghz guest wifi Enable/Disable


  • Total amount of wired clients
  • Total amount of main wifi clients
  • Total amount of guest wifi clients
  • Total amount of all connected clients

Device Tracker

  • Track clients by MAC address across 2.4Ghz, 5Ghz guest and main wifi with connection information


HACS (recommended)

Have HACS installed, this will allow you to update easily.

  1. Go to the Hacs->Integrations.
  2. Add this repository (https://github.com/AlexandrErohin/home-assistant-tplink-router) as a custom repository
  3. Click on + Explore & Download Repositories, search for TP-Link Router.
  4. Search for TP-Link Router.
  5. Navigate to TP-Link Router integration
  6. Press DOWNLOAD and in the next window also press DOWNLOAD.
  7. After download, restart Home Assistant.


  1. Locate the custom_components directory in your Home Assistant configuration directory. It may need to be created.
  2. Copy the custom_components/tplink_router directory into the custom_components directory.
  3. Restart Home Assistant.


TP-Link Router is configured via the GUI. See the HA docs for more details.

  1. Go to the Settings->Devices & services.
  2. Click on + ADD INTEGRATION, search for TP-Link Router.
  3. Fill IP address and Password.
  4. Click SUBMIT