
About This project is submitted under Udacity Full Stack web Development Nanodegree Final Project

Server Details Server Static IP Address

Hosted site Url []

Grader Password ashish

Grader Key Download Key from above or

-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAzP9LWf5EhbvEE8oIA6hSnLkjco3/VuBcd+1gJWWy/WW1dTo5 h1sqacVJpxH8gfql45MmgjiOQwV6UTz6F4xa5sIPLA5Hd/qxi93J/YwHmiy89ZLp 7CEIUFo+F7Srpdzm828N1NxMRI0DJq1bXEqDKj6e08m/LVBGBH/2HVYN+wHLHmlR HuQ/aujigVy8D/MjVw00WvuIQ5JUUjbRhygNfOdKTIgpme6GHXEB54WsfQd4xUNd 53aIh8t0f952Kex9yldY8uqhG1PuRrgdW1mbpgCS4yf07mNjrrYIUGOyWj5UghDR EXl2Le2pLh3nB/ptw5pCa7Vrer4ATHaWmqgDTQIDAQABAoIBAQC+/kyyOBiXkO2K kn0NC1KM+mFwZaQ0ySzd/6fIsAwn0w9RfUIEPogxq8KHilZ8s47DjWIfiZniD8R6 1Bkev4Ih5URFg7hKrKOm8Kk1NbYPiwcytgKEIfKhCrM3Wvlhu4Lh4+I7JFVauRbq fjHUtwel4FoScLFSAqx5nM8tXfQAm2ry5DFPldNo8AXajgaMLta9iC+MfY38F7uf IATAlFi+/HxY6fB0lkW/h0AG5CQc0VwZzKlSp8V8P1qjcZWh0thBBaAne4sHZiyb mfqxnVaOcRDMl3FZ1gbqEGihJjfLIsyK2RanviMMJscCALvHHqxbkyCftn2U/MS9 aSoJs0qBAoGBAPfmdmCR+VLYhCwxXuj079ewTjStdxnQ4SWUEj7Q1uryG/Q+g6pp KsGDOtNCbWl0ON3gTmJrwyEVfQ7SFb1iZR3olZ3cm+e6pArBX1iWXoKd4W+NBpN7 LDpEEbEiG/ueoF8Ek4X6hoFpYMaDmoR+pAuFgdLUXeYjLLYU50drUPcFAoGBANOx +VQM1DzsiWCWlB3CDpHZxCA+OXDORJy+mOBSsjrcrc5o9CxrA3xUy3ldYkYVJNWl Ah4ELHPBgl+QDJqUE0Ow/1LSK7Jwbe5HsB2wEWsfqzlqha0c2b9gg/ZgJLF6Ytg8 WK1gnjhtPGyzKvbFQ7hzICZCViPohVviRj430f2pAoGBAKuKeIPevy6K0Ptbtpdx Vr5kK9nb5zygBAxi6DU7glzV6G4dDDNRztpVmtExeFCuseMnIlaMx1wPaJhm29BP VDVcCpxQWjoCNx2SLg45D3FHGwZ8Cf7oDvTKwYtXVRHK9KKLoiHl+El4yBTWYIgq sg2e9vUTK17jHD9rO5d6NW6ZAoGAIb7aHuLYpkmScJowTDoV9nv/PqCMqYXH/DCJ 0CB+ltF8x02FttrsOFKQCO2w77kJISFnn/9MUruDG9arm6yFEaJSYRJtssknTPeS hHj/ndLziXiIjJrvvwkUoB6dWslGnm+oNyMSta38FtvMun+hlvKLKm4iqyCyuX3t cpeVWtkCgYEA0OZYt1Zi/SEqwBND1B1921R0I7l5qBVHenbO8oqryBpxcmCIPA2+ ZdtM/gEr8Y4lZ2tlG1KY11a8S8X8ezHKQsesdVtprDMQK8P7kAsX0eD9feoTnxUP grixcwoey/rlSB0nfiQ+1aQNPuKenHn+BTo1J18WB/ZuqiHM13x3ELI= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

How to connect as grader: save private key provided in your local machine and run the following command

ssh -i path/to/privatekey -p 2200 grader@

Configuring Linux Server Updating all packages sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Creating grader User: sudo adduser grader This will add new user

sudo nano /etc/sudoers Below the Root user append the following line

grader ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL This will grant sudo permission to grader

Creating a ssh key pair for grader On your local machine in terminal/command prompt

ssh-keygen This will generate public and private ssh keys which is saved to .ssh folder

Then in your virtual machine change to newly created user

sudo su - grader Create a new directory .ssh and new file authorized_keys in that directory

mkdir .ssh sudo nano .ssh/authorized_keys Copy the public key with .pub extension to authorized_keys and save the file

chmod 700 .ssh chmod 644 .ssh/authorized_keys 700 will give read write and execute permission to user. 644 prevent other user from writting in to file. Then restart ssh server sudo service ssh restart Now from your log in to grader with private key generated

Use this for connecting from local terminal ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa grader@ipaddress OR Use this for connecting from local terminal ssh grader@ip_address Changing the ssh port to 2200 sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config Change port 22 to port 2200

Restart the ssh server

service ssh restart Note: Before Logging using ssh add custom TCP port 2200 under lightsaail firewall in networking tab in lightsail instance console

Now Login using command like this

ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa -p 2200 grader@ipaddress Disabling ssh login as root sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

make change PermitRootLogin no

Configurating Uncomplicated Fire Wall sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp sudo ufw allow 80/tcp sudo ufw allow 123/udp sudo ufw enable This will allow all required ports and enables the ufw

After that

sudo ufw status It will display all allowed ports

Changing time Zone sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

select none from list and then select utc.

Installing Apache2 In terminal

sudo apt-get install apache2

Now mod_wsgi

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools libapache2-mod-wsgi

Enable mod_wsgi

sudo a2enmod wsgi

Setting up your flask application to work with apache2 Creating a flask app

In /var/www directory create a new folder sudo mkdir FlaskApp

Install git

sudo apt-get install git

move to the FlaskApp cd FlaskApp

In that direcory clone your github repository

sudo git clone

Rename your repository to FlaskApp

Then rename your project file to

Error : While accesssing the client_secrets.json file

PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(file)) json_url = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'client_secrets.json') CLIENT_ID = json.load(open(json_url))['web']['client_id'] Use json_url instead client_secrets.json in script

Install and configuring postgresql for project Install Postgres sudo apt-get install postgresql

login to postgres sudo su - postgres

postgres shell psql

create user CREATE USER catalog WITH PASSWORD 'password';

permit user to createdb ALTER USER catalog CREATEDB;

Create a db name catalog with user catalog CREATE DATABASE catalog WITH OWNER catalog;

connect to db \c catalog

revoke all permission to public REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM public;

Give schema permission to user catalog GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO catalog;

exit from db \q exit from postgres exit

Change the database connection in both and as engine = create_engine('postgresql://catalog:password@localhost/catalog')

Create a Virtuval Flask env for our app to be isolated from server environment for better stability(Extra Credit/Optional) In this step, we will create a virtual environment for our flask application.

We will use pip to install virtualenv and Flask. If pip is not installed, install it on Ubuntu through apt-get.

sudo apt-get install python-pip If virtualenv is not installed, use pip to install it using following command:

sudo pip install virtualenv Give the following command (where venv is the name you would like to give your temporary environment):

sudo virtualenv venv Now, install Flask in that environment by activating the virtual environment with the following command:

source venv/bin/activate Give this command to install Flask inside:

sudo pip install Flask Next, run the following command to test if the installation is successful and the app is running:

sudo python It should display “Running on http://localhost:5000/” or "Running on". If you see this message, you have successfully configured the app.

To deactivate the environment, give the following command:

deactivate Now you are ready with your applicatiom

Configure and Enable a New Virtual Host sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/FlaskApp.conf

In this add the following code

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAdmin WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/FlaskApp/flaskapp.wsgi <Directory /var/www/FlaskApp/FlaskApp/> Order allow,deny Allow from all Alias /static /var/www/FlaskApp/FlaskApp/static <Directory /var/www/FlaskApp/FlaskApp/static/> Order allow,deny Allow from all ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log LogLevel warn CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined Enable the virtual host sudo a2ensite FlaskApp

Disabling the default apache2 page sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf

Create the .wsgi File

cd /var/www/FlaskApp
sudo nano flaskapp.wsgi 

Add the following code

#!/usr/bin/python import sys import logging logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr) sys.path.insert(0,"/var/www/FlaskApp/")

from FlaskApp import app as application application.secret_key = 'Add your secret key' save and exit

Deploying flask app with apache2 is referred from Digital ocean

Installing require modules You can either install all modules on your machine or create a virtual environment for the project and install the modules To Create virtual environment: sudo virtualenv venv To activate virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate pip install flask sqlalchemy psycopg2 requests oauth2client

To deactivate virtual environment: deactivate

Setting up your Google Oauth2 Login to your developer console and select your project and edit OAuth details as following

Javascript origin

redirect URI\callback\gconnect\login is a free DNS which will be the same as using IP address

Final Step Restart your apache2 server

sudo service apache2 restart

"# Linux-"