

The dependencies for this app are Python 3.6 and Postgres/PostGIS (versions >= 9.3 and >= 2.3 respectively should be fine). You should be able to run psql commands from your terminal.

It's also recommended that you install virtualenv (or something similar) so you can create a sandboxed Python environment for development.

Once these things are installed, the following steps will get you up and running.

  1. clone and enter the repo

     git clone https://github.com/heritagebridge/heritagebridge
     cd heritagebridge
  2. make the virtualenv and activate it

     virtualenv env
     source env/bin/activate

    Make sure that your env uses python 3.6. Once activated, run python to check this.

  3. install all python requirements

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. add \herbridge\herbridge\local_settings.py (next to settings.py) with the following content

     import os
     os.environ['GDAL_DATA'] = '/opt/bitnami/postgresql/share/gdal/'
     DATABASES['default']['USER'] = '<postgres user>'
     DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] = '<postgres password>'
     DEBUG = False
     ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost', '', '<sub.domain.com>']
     FRONTEND_AUTH_PASSWORD = '<a password for access to this instance>'
     FRONTEND_AUTH_TOKEN = '<a cookie for users who are logged in>'
     EAMENA_TARGET = '<an eamena installation as a target>'
     ## configuration for S3 static files and media storage
     AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<key>'
     AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<secret key>'
     AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = '<bucket name>'
     AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN = f'{AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME}.s3.amazonaws.com'
         'CacheControl': 'max-age=86400',
     AWS_IS_GZIPPED = True
     AWS_LOCATION = 'static'
     STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'
     DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'herbridge.storage_backends.MediaStorage'
     MEDIA_URL = f"https://{AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN}/media/"
     LOGGING = {
         'version': 1,
         'disable_existing_loggers': False,
         'handlers': {
           'applogfile': {
               'maxBytes': 1024*1024*15, # 15MB
               'backupCount': 10,
         'loggers': {
             'django': {
                 'handlers': ['applogfile'],
                 'level': 'DEBUG',
                 'propagate': True,
  5. initial db installation

     cd herbridge
     python manage.py db install
  6. initial migration and sample data load

     python manage.py db setup --loaddata

You can now use python manage.py runserver to view the app in a browser at localhost:8000.


Running python manage.py db setup during development will drop and recreate your database, then make and run migrations if changes have been made to any model classes.

Adding --loaddata will reload the sample data fixtures that come along with the app.

Adding --removemigrations will delete all of the existing migration files before making new ones, which yields a single 0001_initial.py once the command has finished. During development, please do this before committing if you have made changes that will cause a new migration file to be made (e.g. altered a model field).