
Play multiple blindtests simultaneously alone or with friends

Primary LanguageVueGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Multi Blindtest

Web app to play a multi blindtest.
It's like a classic blind test but instead of hearing one track you hear up to 6 at the same time.

When you find a track it's stopped so you can better hear the others.

Check it out live at :

Challenge your friends with the multiplayer mode !

Project setup

npm install

Install PM2 globally (will run the script as a service) :

npm i -g pm2

Compile front with hot-reloads for development

npm run front/serve

Compile front for production

npm run front/build

Compile server with hot-reloads for development

npm run server/watch

Compile server for production

npm run server/build

Shortcut for developpement

npm run dev

Starts front and server with hot reload.
Node process has to be started manually. See Starting services section.

Compile server+front for production

npm run build

Starting services

Execute this inside project folder's root

pm2 start bootstrap-pm2.json

To view process logs via PM2, execute :

pm2 logs --raw MultiblindTest

Start on boot (DOESN'T work on windows)

First start the client as explained above.
Then execute these commands:

pm2 save
pm2 startup

Now, the service should automatically start on boot


Build for Twitch Extension

To build the project so it works on twitch hosting services the files must all have relative PATHS. Problem is this is incompatible with the "history" mode of the router used by the actual website. Before building for twitch the following line must be uncommented on the vue.config.js file:

publicPath: './',