
A Benchmark of PHP Bugs

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains PHP bug collection

The projects

bugsPHP contains 513 bugs from the following open-source projects:

Project name Number of bugs
cakephp--cakephp 33
briannesbitt--Carbon 11
composer--composer 18
doctrine--dbal 9
w7corp--easywechat 9
laravel--framework 94
googleapis--google-api-php-client 3
spatie--laravel-permission 6
magento--magento2 23
Seldaek--monolog 7
doctrine--orm 15
PHP-CS-Fixer--PHP-CS-Fixer 82
nikic--PHP-Parser 3
PHPOffice--PhpSpreadsheet 12
symfony--symfony 188


Download the test repositories file here, and put it with main.py file


The command-line interface includes the following commands:

  • -p: Project name
  • -b: Bug number
  • -t: task
    • checkout: checks-out the source code
    • install: install the necessary packages
    • test: run all the test cases
    • failing-test-only: run only failing test cases
  • -v: bug version
    • buggy: the original buggy code
    • fixed: bug fixed code with updated test cases
  • -o: output path where the source code should be checkout

Example commands

  1. Checks-out the source code for a given bug
    python3 main.py -p composer--composer -b 1 -t checkout -v fixed -o /content/tmp/
  2. Install the necessary packages
    python3 main.py -p composer--composer -b 1 -t install -v fixed -o /content/tmp/
  3. Run all the test cases
    python3 main.py -p composer--composer -b 1 -t test -v fixed -o /content/tmp/
  4. Run failing test cases
    python3 main.py -p composer--composer -b 1 -t failing-test-only -v fixed -o /content/tmp/