
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


main branch is pipelined to https://crestera.herokuapp.com on push.

UI designs

You can find the elavant Figma design for the frontend [here].

Branching convension

main branch will be used to deploy production releases.

use Individual branches to do your own coding.

Technology (Tech Stack)

  1. NodeJS express sever.
  2. MongoDB.
  3. React.
  4. socket.io.
  5. Sass.

Folder/file structure

Follow the current naming convention and folder structure.

├── server                               //Backend
|       ├── client                       // Frontend
|       |      ├── public                // Public folder
|       |      ├── src                   // Add all the source files here
|      	|      |    ├── assets           // Assets folder
| 	|      |    ├── components       // Components folder. Add all sub components here
| 	|      |    ├── constants        // Add Constant files here
|       |      |    ├── context          // Add files related to Context API here.
|	|      |    ├── pages            // Main pages folder such as About Page, Landing Page etc.
| 	|      |    ├── services         // Services folder
|	|      |    ├── App.js           // App.js
| 	|      |    └── index.js         // index.js file. Add context providers here to wrap the whole app
|       |      ├── .gitignore            // Gitignore file
|       |      └── package.json          // node module dependencies
|       ├── controllers                  // Add all controller for models here
|       ├── models                       // Add all the mongoose models here
|       ├── routes                       // Add all the routes and sub routes here
|       ├── utils                        // Add all the services here
│       |   └── middlewares              // Add middlewares here for tasks
|       ├── index.js                     // Entry file
|       ├── nodemon.json                 // Update parellel with ecosystem.config.js but only the dev variables goes here
|       ├── package.json                 // node module dependencies
|       └── readme.md                    // README file
└── readme.md                            // README file


Follow the follwing steps to begin development.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. cd server.
  3. cd client.
  4. Run npm install.
  5. Test locally using npm start command. //start Frontend
  6. cd server.
  7. Run npm install.
  8. Test locally using npm run dev command. //start Backend

note if you haven't install globally install it npm i nodemon

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.