Things to do

I'm forever thinking of projects I'd like to do (or like to see done), and hence decided to start collecting some of them, so I don't forget (something I tend to do).

  • A visual implementation of a functional (hopefully dependently typed?) language to see if it'd help with functional (especially dependently typed) languages' "image problem".
  • Following the Erdős number of mathematics, the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon of film, and their illegitimate child the Erdős–Bacon number, start calculating rappers' "Dre numbers" (or some other artist with a lot of collaborations across some length of time).
  • Explore what a functional language would look like when:
    • Datatypes can only be a single constructor or a combination of zero or more other datatypes.
    • Typeclasses can only be a single method or a combination of zero or more other typeclasses.
    • There are union types (who knows, we could even get crazy and have infinite types) as well as (instead of..?) sum types, "difference" types and so on.