
A second shot at Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby on Rails Tutorial: sample application

This is the sample application for the Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl.

October 27, 2013

Finished up to 3.1

3.1 - Finished October 28, 2013 (12:43am)

  • Playing around with git
  • Understanding branches, merging, push requests, checkouts,
  • git branch (lists all branches)
  • git branch -d {branch name} (deletes the branch)
  • git add . (adds all files to current branch)
  • git commit -a -m "MESSAGE" (shortcut which combines git add and git commit)
  • git push (pushes to origin repo, which is setup as github)
  • git push heroku (pushes to the heroku repo and deploys)

3.2 - Understanding Test Driven Development - Using the rspec test module and Capybara DSL - Formulating tests and then running them with "bundle exec rspec spec/requests/static_pages_spec.rb"

November 3, 2013

Finished Chapter 3 - Learned about the application layout file - Learned about the yield() function in erb (embedded ruby) files - Learned the difference between (%= %) and (% %) tags (equals passes the argument to the html page, % just executes the ruby code) - Skipped the advanced exercises having to do with eliminating the "bundle exec" typing requirement, using guard, allowing test runs in sublime - Learned about the "let" command in the rspec tests, which allow you to set variables instead of repeating yoruself

Playing around in Chapter 4

  • Basically a Ruby tutorial explaining the different data types, rails console command (basically an irb but in the development environment, allowing use of gems?)
  • shortcut for rails console is rails c
  • Worked up an array of card ranks and another of suits, used the shuffle on each of them and added them together for a random card, which is kind of cool.
  • As practice for Ruby, probably should work on shuffling and populating a deck.
  • Worked up to 4.3.3 (Hashes and Symbols)
  • Learned about the Ruby Koans site, which is an exercise to better understand Ruby. Looks cool and seems to be a way to better understand TDD and Ruby.
  • Still don't understand why my lists work in 3.1 description but not in 3.2 description.

November 7, 2013 Finished Chapter 4, an overview of Ruby

  • Learned a little about class objects
  • In Ruby, everything is an object
  • We can add methods to built-in classes in Ruby (like String, or Integer)
  • Gave a palindrome? example