
Base64 String Comparator Web Service

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Base64 String Comparator Web Service

Maven and JAX-RS on Jersey and Grizzly2

This web service provides 2 HTTP endpoints that accepts JSON base64 encoded binary data on both, as it follows:


• The provided data is diff-ed and the results are available on a third end point


• The results are provided in JSON format as following:

If equal return that
If not of equal size just return that
If of same size provide insight in where the diffs are, actual diffs are not needed.
    § So mainly offsets + length in the data


This project was developed with:

Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.8.0_131
JUnit 4.9
Apache Maven 3.3.9
NetBeans 8.2
Jersey 2.25.1
Grizzly 2   

Compile and Package

It was developed to run with an Uber jar. In order to generate this jar, you should run:

mvn package

It will clean, compile and generate a uber jar at target dir, e.g. json-diff-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar


It provides some methods to test:

• Unit and Integration Tests

For both, you can run:

mvn test

Just for Unit Tests:

mvn -Dtest=UnitTest test

Just for Integration Tests, run:

mvn -Dtest=IntegrationTest test

• Command Line Tests on Linux using curl (just with web service running - check session 'Run')

Sending data to LEFT endpoint

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"value":"YWMvZGM="}' http://localhost:8080/json-diff/v1/diff/1/left

Sending data to RIGHT endpoint

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"value":"YWMvZGM="}' http://localhost:8080/json-diff/v1/diff/1/right

Getting the diff result

curl -X GET -i http://localhost:8080/json-diff/v1/diff/1


In order to run the web service, run the uber jar simply as following:

java -jar json-diff-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

By default, the service will be available at


However, you are able to choose the host name and port just setting these two environment variables before running:

export JSONDIFF_HOSTNAME='myserver.com'
export JSONDIFF_PORT='80'


MIT © Marcio Branquinho Dutra