
This repository stores the beginning Projects I make in Machine Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Machine_Learning Repository Code

@ Author - Sandip Dutta


This repository is for storing code for Machine Learning Codes:

  • Model with Outliers - Source Code for Medium Article [link to article]
    • Contains Jupyter notebook for Robust Estimators, that is ML models robust to outliers
      • Theil Sen Estimator
      • Huber Regression
  • qsar_oral_toxicity - To predict the toxicity of oral compounds [link to dataset]
    • Fixed Imbalance using SMOTETomek Technique
    • Used Logistic Regression to predict the toxicity. Achieved a f score of 0.93
  • Churn_Modelling - To predict if customer will churn (that is leave the comapny or not)
    • Cleaned the datasets and Imputed values
    • Applied various models and predicted the score.
    • Implemented Neural Network model using Keras for prediction.
    • Final accuracy came out to be about 89%
  • Classification - Contains file for classification tasks.
    • Applied models on Diabetes Dataset and Loan prediction dataset.
    • Reached about 80% accuracy.
  • Dimensionality Reduction - For Understanding Data Compression techniques
    • Short file for Understanding PCA and implementation
  • Parkinsons - Parkinsons Disease Prediction
    • Prediction of Parkinsons Disease using XgBoost
    • Achieved an accuracy of over 95%
  • SAT_Score - Prediction of SAT Score of Students
    • Regression model for predicting the Scores of Students