VRChat Crasher
How to setup a crash avatar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=an3Tbj6xhwM
Block your own avatar so you wont get crashed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfcVHMzrUp0
Quest: Set on Android in unity
PC: Set on Windows in unity
- Proof Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvTAXeNg5g8
- Do not tell anyone you are the crasher will lead you to a ban
- Do not return back too the same room, wait 25 mins or a bit longer
- Once you know you crashed the whole room, get out of the room, do not stay too long, they will find out you are the crasher!
[Perfect Rooms]
- Search: Furry (most toxic peepz), (Avoid user 'Lt_Shadow', will lead you to a ban)
- Search: Chess (just for fun)
- Search: for any movie worlds (most of the quest users related here)
[VRChat Users to Avoid - set them on a blocklist]
- Lt_Shadow (https://i.imgur.com/qOoLGMz_d.webp?maxwidth=1337)
- Discord: Duzopy#5653