Wireless Systems Engineer, currently working on next generation WiFi
University of Naples Federico IINaples, Italy
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- agasgeje
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- francescamen@signetlabdei
- gdelazzariUniversity of Padova
- GoodEducatorBeijing,China
- haiahem
- HusamRajab
- joaocptcItaú Unibanco
- Junaid-Qadir-UniGe@University of Genova, Italy
- kpalaw
- lorenzifrancesco
- LuuucasChen@Harbin Institute of Technology
- M-albeyboni
- madsthomTrifork Aalborg
- manvendra88@ignitus
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- MartCp
- mouaadh1010
- pagmattKeysight Denmark
- PedroffdaTeresina, Piauí
- peggyopal
- QiuYukangUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
- rebatomau-blox.com
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- Roll06
- SalahEddineElgharbi
- Thecave3Northeastern University & Sapienza
- thiagoallisson90UFPI
- usamamustafa36
- waheb2020
- Windy-with-sky