
How to Use

Create a Python virtual environment by issuing the command:

conda create -f environment.yaml

How to use Crawler

To crawl the abstract texts from one or more arXiv pages,

  1. Populate the list start_urls in crawler/crawler/spiders/ with the URLs of paper abstract pages (e.g., "")
  2. Change the current working directory to crawler and issue the command scrapy crawl Arxiv -o papers.csv -t csv
  3. The output CSV file will be stored under the current working directory.

How to use Summarizer

Having created a CSV file holding the title and abstract of the paper crawled from arXiv, you can now use the summarizer to generate a summary of each paper.

Before that, visit the GitHub repository of Llama2 and follow the instruction to setup Llama. You may need to install PyTorch to your virtual environment in advance.

Then, issue the command:

torchrun --nproc_per_node 1 summarizer/ --in_csv {PATH_TO_CSV_FILE}