AutoUpdater.NET XML Creator

This app is a component that creates custom xml file for

Updated 3/6/2023 Making the following 7 major changes plus many little bugs and or improvements

  1. Added button to find version by selection the new exe file.
  2. Added button to auto create the Algorithm for all supported types.
  3. Re imagined the different Update types now used radio buttons to select update type.
  4. Added the Option tag to xml
  5. The first 2 screens will not forward without being completed as they are required as minimum.
  6. Added icons to butttons.
  7. Added a exit button.

Includes all tags optional.

At a minimum you need the first 2 tags

Xml tags are only added based on answers in wizard.

Clicking next on any page without adding anything ignores the tag.

    <checksum algorithm="MD5">b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5</checksum>
    <mandatory minversion="">true</mandatory>

Includes all security tags optional. Includes custom tag default = false

Changes to come (TODO)

Create html file for releases this will be optional Allow XML to be uploaded to server. Create a user forum on my wesite Note above website is started but but far from ready.


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