Educational App using RxSwift and MVVM to clone the popular app, Instagram.
The architecture I used for this app is heavily inspired by Ediolon.
Great resources for learning MVVM:
Why? Cause Functional Reactive Programming is great. To elaborate, it changes the way you think about programming. Instead of worrying about how data affects the state of your application, you focus on how the application handles the flow of data. Confused? Don't worry its hard to wrap your head around the first time.
Great resources for learning RxSwift:
RxSwiftGram uses Moya for API Interaction and MoyaObjectMapper for JSON Mapping.
NOTE: This app uses a deprecated version of the Instagram API. Instagram will no longer support the API starting June 2016. The new API will not support the features of this application. Currently, it is not possible to register a new client for the old API so please do not spam the Instagram API 😁.
- Gets latest posts from user feed
- Gets photos of current most popular posts
- Search for Instagram users
The app will prompt the user to login to their own Instagram account. If you do not have one, make one from the official app.