
a url with some scripts that I can run - work in progress

Primary LanguageShell

This page is under costruction and is currently dangerous. I'm working on it. please DO NOT run anything locally!

I'll add a thing when a thing happens and you can finally use the thing.

I'm a filthy noob who learned linux only recently and I have a tendency to do things the dumb way even IRL.

Thank you for your patience



Just a badly written page to easily enable AUR (and more?) on my mechine running immutable astOS. the code to which is here: https://github.com/astos/astos


It's just a partial implementation of this guide: https://aur.chaotic.cx/ and some other stuff... you can build your own easily.


because it's annoying and time-consuming for me to check if a package is in the aur or not every time. I'm trying to reinstall my weaboo wallpaper changer. now I can use tools (mostly crated by others) like a friggin' human-being.

It also notably eliminates a bug currently featured involving MAKEPKG that I couldn't bring myself to bother with! I'm a busy man, I have nerdy places to be.


Use one of the scripts to gain access to yay and continue normally

I made a mental note not to use sudo anywhere in this script - the entire point of this practice is to run it in root.

is it OK If I use it?

only if you are aware of the risks and are either:

1. from the far future, where archlinux is immutable out of the box
2. if, like me, you are using the astOS script (good for you)

then it might be worth a try. though don't come crying when your system breaks for some reason! this script/website is not meant for you to use, (but I absolutely reccommend that you build your own.)



Is there a guide?

Nope. Fork it and make your own guide after reading and understanding the script.

This abomination is for me to use anyway.

You know what, you're nice... Here's the basics:

  1. You find a script in that repo that you understand and like.

  2. You go: sh sh <(curl -s <dwdeath.github.io/<this repo>\<name of script>.sh) and watch joyfully as your mechine is being invaded by my own incompetence, bad practices and incredibly loose links to other insecure stuff.


do not just run it!!!

If you balme me for any damage to your system after using this script,
I will laugh at you.

anything LEGAL you do on your mechine is your business and by
denying it your'e supporting the big brother.
I'm not your daddy, and being reckless on the internet was never on the table.

so stfu (a kind of tofu. don't google it.), grab a drink and start reading the script.
at the moment of writing, it's incredibly short, but contains links to other scripts. 



