
Welcome to Giftr™! Please build out the following features without using AJAX. For the first part of this application, just focus on full CRUD with DOM manipulation without persisting any changes to the server.

  • In src/giftData.js is all the gift data. Build out the following features:

    • A user should be able to see all of the gift data on initial page load
    • A user (any user, don't worry about authorization) should be able to edit a gift's details
    • A user should be able to delete a particular gift
    • A user should be able to search for and filter particular gifts with names that include a particular search query.

Once all of the features listed above are working, add AJAX to persist changes to your database. A RESTful JSON API is being faked using a node module (js package) called json-server

  • To install, run the following line of code in your terminal: $ npm install -g json-server
  • To run the package and host your 'server': $ json-server --watch db.json
  • Change your program so that the gifts are being loaded in from the server instead of the giftData.js file. You may want to comment out the line in index.html that loads the file in.
  • A user should be able to perform the same CRUD actions listed above and persist changes to the database.