
The database of Beyonce objects can be found in a JSON-server. If you haven't already done so install json-server:

TO INSTALL: npm install -g json-server

Then start the json-server:

TO START: json-server --watch db.json

  1. Make a GET request to http://localhost:4000/beys. You should get a response that is an array of multiple objects that look like this: { "id": 1, "name": "All Day Slay", "img": "", "favorite": false }


  • Render a list of all Beyonce images
  • When a User clicks on a Beyonce image in BeyContainer it should change the "favorite" key to true, which adds it to the Favorites container, or false, which should then remove it from the Favorites container

What are we practicing?

  • using both functional and class components
  • deciding which component should make our fetch request
  • deciding which component(s) should have state
  • changing the state of a parent component from its child
  • passing a callback function as a prop to be used by a child component
  • manipulating objects inside of arrays in state
  • reusing a component
  • lifting state


  • to complete this project you may need to do some refactoring
  • functions can also be passed as props

beyonce gif