
It's a Social Blogging Platform v2.0 📝✍ with some advanced features and server-side rendering (NEXTJS). ⏭💥

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Registeration with a valid email.

Forget password option is available.

Loged In users can update password.

Update their profile informations.

Login through Email as well as Google accounts.

Find latest articles on your feed posted by users of application.

Also check the lastest users who registered on application.

Also search for particular post/posts.

Users can also see the Related blogs.

Disqus integration.

Loged In users can create, update, post, delete Blogs like you can do in medium.

There are also categories and tags page available.

Each article can be tagged with tags and categories as well.

Each user can be check other users and contact them, find latest article written by them.

Admin Features

Update Delete any blog.

Update Delete any User.

Update Category, tags and delete them.

Update their profile informations.


React, NextJs, react-quill, react-render-html, nprogress, moment, isomorphic-fetch.


Nodejs, Mongodb-Atlas, mongoose, express-validator, jsonwebtoken, slugify and much more.

To do

Refractor the bad code and make components reusable.

App Images

Home Screeen

Feed Screeen

User dashboard

Creating Blogs

Realted Blogs and Disqus

Update Delete