
A form spec based off of HAL, for easily generating client side forms based on API resources

Dwolla HAL Form Profile

  • Version: 0.0.2
  • Status: Draft


This specification defines an extension to the HAL json format to improve the evolvability of HAL based APIs.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.

JSON format is described using MSON.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Evolvability is important for any API with more than one client. The HAL specification requires API consumers have deep knowledge of the domain and implementation details of the API provider in situations that require user input or resulting unsafe requests. This deep knowledge inherently couples API consumers to the provider(s) reducing the evolvability of the overall system.

Forms are well tested way to reduce the coupling between API consumers and providers. This form system takes a highly pragmatic approach similar to the approach of HAL to APIs.

Media Type

This extension is to be used as a profile link (RFC6906) in conjunction with a HAL style media type.


  • application/hal+json; profile="https://github.com/dwolla/hal-forms"
  • application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json; profile="https://github.com/dwolla/hal-forms"

Document structure

HAL document form extension (object)

This spec extends the HAL format by adding the reserved property _forms. This property MAY appear on any HAL document (including embedded HAL documents).

Example HAL document with a form

  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "http://api.example.com/customers"
  "_forms": {
    "default": {
      "_links": {
        "target": {
          "href": "http://api.example.com/customers"
      "method": "POST",
      "contentType": "application/hal+json",
      "fields": [
          "name": "name",
          "path": "/name",
          "type": "string",
          "value": "Dwolla",
          "displayText": "Name",
          "validations": {
            "required": true
          "name": "email",
          "path": "/email",
          "type": "email",
          "displayText": "Email",
          "validations": {
            "required": true
          "name": "password",
          "path": "/password",
          "type": "sensitive",
          "displayText": "Password",
          "validations": {
            "required": true
          "name": "businessType",
          "path": "/businessType",
          "type": "string",
          "displayText": "Business Type",
          "validations": {
            "required": true
          "accepted": {
            "values": [
                "value": "corporation",
                "key": "CORPORATION",
                "displayText": "Corporation"
                "value": "llc",
                "key": "LLC",
                "displayText": "LLC"
                "value": "partnership",
                "key": "PARTNERSHIP",
                "displayText": "Partnership"
                "value": "soleproprietorship",
                "key": "SOLEPROPRIETORSHIP",
                "displayText": "Sole Proprietorship"
          "name": "businessClassification",
          "path": "/businessClassification",
          "type": "string",
          "displayText": "Business Classification",
          "validations": {
            "required": true
          "accepted": {
            "groupedValues": [
                "key": "FOOD_RETAIL_AND_SERVICE",
                "displayText": "Food retail and service",
                "values": [
                    "value": "breweries",
                    "key": "BREWERIES",
                    "displayText": "Breweries"
                    "value": "distilleries",
                    "key": "DISTILLERIES",
                    "displayText": "Distilleries"
                "key": "MANUFACTURING",
                "displayText": "Manufacturing",
                "values": [
                    "value": "computers",
                    "displayText": "Computer and electronic product manufacturing"
                    "value": "furniture",
                    "displayText": "Furniture and related product manufacturing"


  • _forms (object, optional)

    • default (form, optional)

      The default form for the context. API providers SHOULD use this to indicate the best form for consumers with limited domain knowledge.

    • form id(custom string) (form, optional)

      A form related to the context. A verb first clauses expressing a command (such as, create-customer, search-customers) is RECOMMENDED for form id.

Form (object)

A form object is a recipe for making complex API requests.


  • _links

  • method (enum, required)

    The HTTP method to use when submitting this form. Consumers MUST ignore the case of values of this property.

    Consumers SHOULD support the following values.

    • GET
    • DELETE
    • PATCH
    • POST
    • PUT

    Producers MAY use values outside this set. Consumer SHOULD ignore forms whose method they don't understand. Forms with a method outside the list above will likely be ignored by most consumers.

  • contentType (string, optional)

    The media type of submissions required by the target resource. This should be the value of the Content-Type header. The contentType property is REQUIRED when method is PATCH, POST or PUT.

    Consumers SHOULD accept application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, application/json and any media type ending in +json. Producers MAY use media types outside this set. Consumers SHOULD ignore forms that use media types they don't understand. Forms with a content type outside the set above will likely be ignored by most consumers

    Clients MUST follow JSON encoding rules for media types ending in +json.

  • fields (array[field], required)

    The fields in this form.

Field (object)

A field object describes a value that can be submitted as part of this form.

Example field object

  "name": "name",
  "path": "/name",
  "type": "string",
  "value": "Dwolla",
  "displayText": "Name",
  "validations": {
    "required": true


  • name (string, required)

    Identifies the field. Consumers MAY use this to locate fields of interest.

  • path (string, optional)

    A JSON Pointer (RFC6901) to a field in a resource typically being created as a result of a submission to the API. The path property is REQUIRED when contentType is JSON. The path property SHOULD be omitted when the form's method is GET or DELETE or the contentType is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data.

  • value (*, optional)

    The current/persisted value of the field.

  • type (enum, required)

    Provides a hint indicating the type of values of this field and what UI element(s) would be appropriate to present to the user. This list MAY expand over time. Clients SHOULD treat unrecognized field types as string.

    Possible types at this time:

    • boolean

      True or false value.

    • number

      Arbitrary precision decimal numbers.

    • string

      Short, probably single line, series of characters. Consumers should present the user with a single line text entry box.

    • date

      Calendar date representing a specific year, month and day. Dates are independent of time zones.

    • time

      Time of day. Times MAY specify a time zone.

    • datetime

      Calendar date and time. Datetimes MAY specify a time zone.

    • sensitive

      string whose value should be obscured in the user interfaces and logs.

    • hidden

      Field needed by the form's target but that is not user editable.

    • text

      Potentially long, multi-line, string. Analogous to textarea in HTML. Consumers should present the user with a multi-line text entry area.

    • email

      Email address.

    • tel

      Telephone numbers. API consumers SHOULD support international phone numbers.

    • file

      File picker. Value will be the contents of the selected file.

      Forms using this field type MUST use multipart/form-data as their contentType.

  • displayText (string, optional)

    A human readable string that describes the field. This SHOULD be used in place of a client's own display text. Clients SHOULD use name if this is missing.

  • validations (validation, optional)

    An object with rules specifying how values of the field MAY be validated.

  • accepted (object, optional)

    An object that indicates the exhaustive set of values accepted by the API for the field.

    • One Of
      • values (array[value], required)

        Simple list of acceptable values.

      • groupedValues (array[value group], required)

        List of groups of values that are acceptable.

  • multiple (boolean, optional)

    A boolean value which indicates whether multiple values MAY be submitted for the field. Defaults to false if not provided, meaning multiple values MUST NOT be submitted. If provided and true, values MUST be submitted as a collection/array of values.

Validation (object)

A description of syntactic restrictions on the containing field. This information MAY be used by the client to provide feedback to users without requiring a round trip to the server. API providers MUST validate submitted forms for validity regardless of the validation information embedded in the form.

Example validation object

"validations": {
	"required": true,
	"regex": "^\d{3}-?\d{2}-?\d{4}$"


  • required (boolean, optional)

    True indicates that forms submitted without a value for this field will be rejected by the API provider. API consumers SHOULD treat this as false if it is absent.

  • regex (string, optional)

    A Perl compatible regular expression describing allowed syntax of this field's values. API providers SHOULD omit this property unless the field type is string or text. API consumers MUST ignore this property unless the field type is string or text

Value group (object)

A group of valid values for the containing field.

Example of value group

  "displayText": "Manufacturing",
  "values": [
      "value": "computers",
      "displayText": "Computer and electronic product manufacturing"
      "value": "furniture",
      "displayText": "Furniture and related product manufacturing"


  • key (string, required)

    An identifier for the group of values. Consumers MAY use this for identification and display.

  • displayText (string, optional)

    A human readable description of this value. If present, consumers SHOULD use this when displaying the value to users.

  • values (array[value], required)

    List of values, one of which must be used in the form submission if this value group is selected.

Value (object)

A single valid value for the containing field.

  "value": "breweries",
  "key": "BREWERIES",
  "displayText": "Breweries"


  • key (string, required)

    An identifier for the value. Consumers MAY use this for identification and display.

  • displayText (string, optional)

    A human readable description of this value. If present, consumers SHOULD use this when displaying the value to users.

  • value (*, required)

    The value that MUST be used in the form submission if this value is selected.


To submit a form API consumers will

  1. collect information for each field from the user
  2. resolve the target URL
  3. construct submission body
  4. make submission request

The submission requests MUST

  • be to the resolved target URL
  • use the method specified by the form
  • have a body if the method allows it
  • have a Content-Type header field whose value is the contentType of the form if there is a body

Target URL resolution

The target of a form MAY be a templated link. If the target link is not templated it's href MUST be used verbatim.

When target link is a template it MUST be expanded using the form fields in order to resolve it into a actual URL. Form fields must be converted in to a set of variable definitions whose values are the field values encoded using the form value transcoding rules. The templated is then expanded using that set of variable definitions using the process define by RFC 6570.

For example, this form

{ "_links": {
    "target" : {
      "href": "http://example.com/customers{?cust_id,name}",
      "templated": true
  "contentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  "method": "GET",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "cust_id",
      "type": "string" },
    { "name": "name",
      "type": "string" }

might resolve to any of the following depending on the user input

  • http://example.com/customers?cust_id=42
  • http://example.com/customers?name=frolic
  • http://example.com/customers?cust_id=42&name=frolic

A field MAY be used in both URL expansion and body construction.

API producers MUST NOT include fields on forms whose method is GET or DELETE and whose target link is non-templated. Client SHOULD ignore fields on forms whose method is GET or DELETE and whose target link is non-templated.

Body construction

If the form's method allows a body (PUT, POST or PATCH) then the form is used to construct a body document for the form submission. The exact algorithm for body construction varies based on the content type of the form. Forms with application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data content types use form transcoding. Forms with application/json or +json content types use JSON transcoding.

Form transcoding

Form encoding applies to forms whose contentType is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. For form encoding each field of the form is as a name-value pair. Values are converted into a string base on type specific rules specified below. The resulting name-value pairs are then encoding following common encoding rules for application/x-www-form-urlencoded or RFC7578 for multipart/form-data.

For example, the following x-www-form-urlencoded form

{ "_links": { "target" : { "href": "http://example.com" } },
  "contentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  "method": "POST",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "title",
      "type": "string" },
    { "name": "recommended",
      "type": "boolean" }

might encode into this body


With similar user input the following form-data form

{ "_links": { "target" : { "href": "http://example.com" } },
  "contentType": "multipart/form-data",
  "method": "POST",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "title",
      "type": "string" },
    { "name": "recommended",
      "type": "boolean" }

encodes into this body

content-disposition: form-data; name="title"

User Provided Title
content-disposition: form-data; name="recommended"

Value transcoding
  • boolean

    literal true and false UTF-8 strings

  • number

    Decimal number encoded in UTF-8.

  • string

    UTF-8 encoded characters.

  • date

    Clients SHOULD encode dates as ISO 8601 encoded calendar date. Servers MUST accept ISO 8601 encoded calendar date. Servers MAY make a best effort attempt to extract a date even if the value is not a valid ISO 8601 date.

  • time

    Clients SHOULD encode times as ISO 8601 encoded time. Servers MUST accept ISO 8601 encoded time. Servers MAY make a best effort attempt to extract a time even if the value is not a valid ISO 8601 time.

  • datetime

    Clients SHOULD encode date times as ISO 8601 encoded date time. Servers MUST accept ISO 8601 encoded date time. Servers MAY make a best effort attempt to extract a date and time even if the value is not a valid ISO 8601 date time.

  • sensitive

    UTF-8 encoded characters.

  • hidden

    Use value encoding rule for the field value's datatype.

  • text

    UTF-8 encoded characters.

  • email

    Clients SHOULD encode email addresses as RFC 6068 mailto URI. Servers MUST accept RFC 6068 mailto URIs. Servers SHOULD make a best effort attempt to extract an email address even if the value is not a mailto URI.

  • tel

    Clients SHOULD encode telephone numbers as RFC 3966 telephone URIs. Servers MUST accept RFC 3966 telephone URIs. Servers SHOULD make a best effort attempt to extract a phone number from value even if it is not a tel URI.

  • file

    File attached as one part of the multipart document as define by RFC 7578 Forms using this field type MUST use multipart/form-data as their contentType.

JSON transcoding

JSON transcoding applies to forms whose contentType is application/json or any media type ending in +json. Field values are converted into a native JSON data type using the value trancoding rules below. Those encoded values are then added to a JSON document at the location indicated by the path of the field. The body is complete once all fields have been inserted.

For example, the following JSON form

{ "_links": { "target" : { "href": "http://example.com" } },
  "contentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  "method": "POST",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "title",
      "type": "string",
      "path": "/title" },
    { "name": "recommended",
      "type": "boolean",
      "path": "/superfluous/nesting/recommended" }

would encode into this body

{ "title": "User Provided Title",
  "superfluous": {
    "nesting": {
      "recommended": true
Value transcoding
  • boolean Built-in boolean data type.

  • number

    Built-in number datatype.

  • string

    Built-in string datatype.

  • date

    Clients SHOULD encode dates as ISO 8601 encoded calendar date. Servers MUST accept ISO 8601 encoded calendar date. Servers MAY make a best effort attempt to extract a date even if the value is not a valid ISO 8601 date.

  • time

    Clients SHOULD encode times as ISO 8601 encoded time. Servers MUST accept ISO 8601 encoded time. Servers MAY make a best effort attempt to extract a time even if the value is not a valid ISO 8601 time.

  • datetime

    Clients SHOULD encode date times as ISO 8601 encoded date time. Servers MUST accept ISO 8601 encoded date time. Servers MAY make a best effort attempt to extract a date and time even if the value is not a valid ISO 8601 date time.

  • sensitive

    Built-in string datatype.

  • hidden

    Use the field value verbatim.

  • text

    Built-in string datatype.

  • email

    Clients SHOULD encode email addresses as RFC 6068 mailto URIs. Servers MUST accept RFC 6068 mailto URIs. Servers SHOULD make a best effort attempt to extract an email address even if the value is not a mailto URI.

  • tel

    Clients SHOULD encode telephone numbers as RFC 3966 telephone URIs. Servers MUST accept RFC 3966 telephone URIs. Servers SHOULD make a best effort attempt to extract a phone number from value even if it is not a tel URI.

  • file

    Unsupported. This field type MUST NOT be used with a JSON contentType.