IL2CPP Resolver External

A run-time API resolver for IL2CPP Unity in External.

Internal version


i have provided basic memory r/w and helper functions in Unity/rw/usermode.h.

if you are using for kernel project, you need replace with your own one.


see Example;

if you have more unity different version struct or code improve, pull request!

Quick Examples

GameObject* GetLocalPlayer()
    GameObject* Player = Unity::ObjectIterator(
        [](void* ptr, GameObject object) -> GameObject* {

            char buf[255];
            um::ReadMemory(object.m_ObjectName, &buf);
            if (buf[10] == 'L') // L - Local , R - Remote
                return (GameObject*)ptr;
            return nullptr;
    return Player;

void Hack()
    // example manipulate of rigidbody.isKinematic
    GameObject* Player = GetLocalPlayer();
    Component* Component = Unity::GetComponentByIndex(Player, 1, true);
    Rigidbody rigidbody;
    um::ReadMemory(Component, &rigidbody);
    rigidbody.isKinematic = false;
    um::WriteMemory(Component, &rigidbody);

Position Get/Set:

// Teleport to self
void Teleport()
    GameObject* Player = GetLocalPlayer();
    Vector3 position = Unity::GetPosition(Player);
    Unity::SetPosition(Player, position); 

loop through different type(Active,Tagged,UnTagged) of GameObjects in ALL Scenes:

// ObjectIterator lambda: return nullptr to make continue loop.
    [](void* ptr, GameObject object) -> GameObject* {
        return nullptr;
}, eLOOPTYPE_UnTagged // eLOOPTYPE_Active | eLOOPTYPE_Tagged | eLOOPTYPE_UnTagged

find the class we want, and use it for find the component

// Example of VRChat
namespace GlobalVar // put it on some globalvar, cache it
    il2cppClass* VRCPickup;

void CacheClasses()
    std::vector<std::pair<il2cppClass*, il2cppClass>> Classes;
    IL2CPP::FetchClasses(&Classes, "VRCSDK3");  // in other game, game classes are mostly in Assembly-CSharp.dll

    GlobalVar::VRCPickup = IL2CPP::FilterClass(Classes, "VRCPickup", "VRC.SDK3.Components");

void Hack()
            [](void* ptr, GameObject object) -> GameObject* {
            // the loop is manually, see TODO #1
            void* buffer = malloc(object.m_iComponents * sizeof(ComponentList));
            um::ReadMemory((void*)((uintptr_t)object.m_ComponentList + 8), buffer, object.m_iComponents * sizeof(ComponentList));
            if (!buffer)
                return nullptr;

            for (int i = 0; i < object.m_iComponents; i++)
                ComponentList* list = (ComponentList*)buffer;

                Component component;
                um::ReadMemory(list[i].m_Component, &component);

                il2cppClass* klass = IL2CPP::GetClassByComponent(component.m_Component, false);

                if (klass == Cache::VRCPickup) // we compare the il2cppClass Pointer, it will be same
                    bool DisallowTheft = false;
                    um::WriteMemory((void*)((uintptr_t)component.m_Component + 0x1C), &DisallowTheft); // use component.m_Component because its game class
                    // or do something to component...

            return nullptr;
        }, eLOOPTYPE_UnTagged


  • This is still working-in-progress.
  • Basic struct maybe DIFFERENT between DIFFERENT Unity Engine version.(Change in Classes.h)


  • C++ 17 or greater


  • Auto-Detect System Class and Game Class for component looping
  • More Unity Version Support
  • More Methods
  • Fetch Method from Module by giving Method's Name

Tested on

  • VRChat[Unity 2019.4]