Linux qemu GDB container

using qemu with GDB server to dynamic analysis malware

Dynamically Analyze Virtual Machine Architectures

IDA pro: host only

GDB server: host only & NAT



1. Build docker image

docker build -t your_image_name - < qemu_sandbox

2. Up container.

Up container in host

  • make sure your network already used VPN before your start gdbserver.
docker run -it --net=host -v $PWD/output:/output/ -v your_malware_path:/sample/:Z --cap-add=NET_RAW --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined your_image_name 

Start Tshark network traffic in container

tshark -w /output/pg.pcap -F pcap &

Using qemu start gdbserver in container

  • The core of your file can be confirmed using the machine field of readelf.
    readelf -a malware_file

3. Switch to IDA PRO

  • Setting IDA remote options to malware file path in container.
  • Setting IDA remote options to this vm ip and you want listen port on gdbserver.


Build image of arm architecture on x86 machine