
Incomplete Beta Function for Dyalog APL

Primary LanguageCzlib LicenseZlib

Incomplete Beta Function

This is CodePlea's implementation of the regularized incomplete beta function in C, modified to make it easy to call from Dyalog APL.

Building the shared library

Windows (32-bit)

$ cmake .
$ cmake --build . --config Release

Windows (64-bit)

Look at the generator that cmake . used above, and manually specify the Win64 variant. For example:

$ cmake . -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
$ cmake --build . --config Release


$ cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cmake --build .

Using it from APL

      lib'libincbeta.so'  varies according to platform
      ⎕NA lib,'|incbeta F8 F8 =F8[] P'                                
      A1  B3  4X?10/0
 0.9403 0.9214 0.4226 0.2387 0.9489 0.3767 0.6916 0.8186 0.5756 0.2557
      4incbeta A B X (X)
 0.9998 0.9995 0.8075 0.5588 0.9999 0.7578 0.9707 0.9940 0.9236 0.5876