This project is a webpage that shows emote streaks on the bottom left of the page. (Page dimensions are 1280px x 720px)
It can also show emotes randomly on screen if a chatter does !showemote (emotename)
_This overlay can be used in streaming software like OBS
The emotes are taken from Twitch, FFZ, BTTV, and optionally, 7TV.
This project took direct inspiration from pajlada's pajbot, although I believe my version is easier to setup and use.
Example + Live Version
Emote Combo:
Show Emote:
Live Version:
(You can put this URL into your streaming software and use it!):
Available Parameters:
To use these parameters, add them after the url with this format: "&(parameter)=(value)" For example, if I wanted to add the "minStreak" and the "7tv" parameter, my new URL would be ""
- channel=(channel name) REQUIRED
- minStreak=(minimum emote streak needed to show up in overlay) OPTIONAL - Defaults to 5 - Minimum value allowed is 3
- showEmoteEnabled=(1 for enabled, 0 for disabled) OPTIONAL - Defaults to 1 (enabled)
- streakEnabled=(1 for enabled, 0 for disabled) OPTIONAL - Defaults to 1 (enabled)
- showEmoteSizeMultiplier=(changes the size of the show emotes by the number provided) OPTIONAL - Defaults to 2
- showEmoteCooldown=(cooldown in seconds between usage of !showemote command) OPTIONAL - Defaults to 5
- 7tv=(1 for enabled, 0 for disabled) (enable or disable emotes support) OPTIONAL - Defaults to 0 (disabled)