
Forth Year Final Year Project. Android Mobile Application Which will use a neural network and Image recogniton to predict a users body fat percentage.

Primary LanguageKotlin

The Scientific term for body fat is adipose tissue. Adipose tissue serves several important roles in the body from creating energy to hormone regulation and cushioning. The health impacts associated with body fats that are outside the healthy range are very serious. In addition to health impacts, it is also used in the fitness industry to track and measure dietary progress. The few methods of measuring body fat are not generally accessible to the public. This App aims to make body fat prediction more accessible to the public. This project consists of two parts. The first part will be using machine-learning algorithms to train a neural network on datasets gathered online. The second part will consist of an Android App, which will take inputs from the user such as weight, height and age. This data will be sent to the neural network which will predict their body fat with a reasonable level of accuracy.