
Battleship is a game run via the Python terminal!

The user must try and find all the computers ships before the computer finds all of theirs! Each ship takes up 1 square on the gameboard

How to play

In this version of battleship, you enter your name, and then your preferred board width and height (4x4) minimum, and then 2 boards are generated at with random positions.

The player can see where their ship is placed by the 'S' on the board. The opponent board will only show sea, show as a '.'

Each player has 4 ships on their board, and 4 ships to find from the opponents board.

When a player misses the target, they will be notified on that turn, and then the next turn, their missed shot will be marked with an 'X' on the opponent gameboard to indicate a miss.

When a player hits the target, they will be notified on that turn, and their score will increase. On the next turn, the hit shot will be marked with an '*' on the opponent gameboard to indicate a hit.

The opponent and the player take turns in order of player, opponent. You don't gain an extra turn if you get a hit.

A player will be notified if their opponent gets a hit or a miss in the same way they are notified.

The winner is the first player to sink all 4 opponent ships. Once this happens, the game ends and a new one can be started with a new board size.


Features to implement

  • Random board generation
    • Place ships in random locations for player and computer
    • Player cannot see computer players ships
  • Plays against a computer
  • Accept user input
  • Maintain scores
  • Input validation and error checking
    • Make sure coordinates input are within the grid boundaries
    • A number must be entered
    • The same coordinate cannot be entered twice
  • Allow player to select board size