
a questionnaire about peoples favourite game types, least favourite game types and what they prefer to play on

Primary LanguagePython

Gaming Questionnaire

Gaming Questionnaire is a short questionnaire that, when complete, inputs answers to a google spreadsheet.

The python for this questionnaire will compute the answers and return integers to the spreadsheet, telling the creator how many times each answer was given.

Gaming Quesionnaire Responsive

How to use

When the developer console is open, it'll automatically update the oldest answer that hasn't been computed. Once that is computed, the creator just has to press enter to compute the next answer down the list (if there is any), or 'e' and then enter to exit the program.

The user can fill out this form, which is automatically added to the spreadsheet after submission, to have the terminal compute their answer.


Existing Features

  • Timestamp comparison
    • Compares each response timestamp and each completed timestamp to check which response hasn't been computed.
    • Once the program reaches a timestamp that hasn't been computed, it computes that response to the spreadsheet.

Timestamp comparison

  • Response calculation
    • Calculates each response and adds 1 to the appropriate tally on the spreadsheet, e.g. strategy as favourites adds 1 to the position 'B2' on the spreadsheet, platformer as least favourite adds 1 to the position 'C8' on the spreadsheet.

Response calculation

  • Platform choice calculation
    • Calculates the answer given from the platform question and adds 1 to the appropriate tally

Platform choice calculation

  • Total tally calculation
    • Every computation will update every total in the total tally spreadsheet
    • The program takes the favourite and least favourite numbers from the 'Response tally' spreadsheet, and subtracts them to find the total preference.
    • The program returns a negative number if most people dislike the game type, a positive number if most people like the game type and a 0 if people like and dislike the game type about the same

Total tally calculation part 1 Total tally calculation part 2

  • Updates the console
    • The program console updates using the print function to tell the program user what's currently being updated or checked
    • Gives the user an idea of where the program is currently at

Future Features

  • Automatic updates whenever a new response is given


I have done manual testing using the following:

  • Checked the code using a pep8 linter and came back with no issues
  • Checked each answer that can be given by the user to make sure there's no errors passed
  • Tested using gitpod terminal and Heroku terminal


Fixed Bugs

  • Response calculation bug

    • When the 'sport' response was being calculated, the console would return an error stating invalid response.
    • This bug was fixed by updating the response_answers, favourites_cells and least_cells dictionaries to match the word 'sport' exactly like the answer does.
  • Response tally not updating

    • When the calculate_response_tally function was running, it wouldn't update the tally
    • This was fixed by removing the if statement if data[-1][i] == 'Mobile' or 'PC' or 'Console' and altering the for loop from for i in range(len(data[-1])) to for i in range(len(data[-1])-1)

Unfixed Bugs

  • No bugs left unfixed

Validator Testing

  • Pep8
    • No errors returned from Pep8


This project was deployed to the Heroku terminal provided by code institute

  • My deployment steps:
    • Create new Heroku app called gaming-questionnaire
    • Set Python and NodeJS buildpacks in that order
    • Add CREDS and PORT: 8000 to Config Vars in Settings tab
    • Link Heroku app to the gaming-questionnaire github repository
    • Click on Deploy

Deployment link for the project is here


  • The code for updating individual cells was found on pyshark.com