
Car Rental System using Django FrameWork

Primary LanguageHTML


Car rental system using Django FrameWork.

User can login and rent a car and can download the bill generated.

About Django :

Django is an MVT web framework that is used to build web applications.Django has an in-built administration interface which lets you handle your models, user/ group permissions and to manage users. With model interface in place, there is no need for a separate database administration program for all but advanced database functions.Django can check if an entered password is correct by running it through the hash function and comparing the output to the stored hash value.Internally, while it provides choices for almost any functionality you might want (e.g. several popular databases, templating engines, etc.), it can also be extended to use other components if needed.

Tech Stack Used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Python
  • SQLITE3 (Default database of django)

Project Demo :


Installation :

* Clone the repository
* Create Superuser (python manage.py createsuperuser) for accessing the admin portal
* Type python manage.py runserver and run the program