This is my first attempt at a major solo project. It may be missing some features but its a working project. At this time I don't specifically plan on going back to improve this project.
This Tic Tac Toe game was my first major solo project after studying OOP design. OOP seemed like such a hard concept for me to understand when it was being instructed, and I just felt I didn't really have a good understanding of how to write and OOP application. The only way I knew could help me learn beyond just the theoretics of OOP would be to just start working on my own OOP project. With very little actual skill writting in OO Design, I began reading other code resources just to understand what OO design should look like and how it functions as a whole. Writting this game gave me the insight I needed to really understand OO concepts.
Though I dont have plans on improving this game, it could provide as a testing platform to train a ML learning application to play tic tac toe.