
Assignment 2 for CAP 4063

Primary LanguageC#

Assignment 2

This is my repository for Assignment 2 for CAP 4063


I separated the 3 parts of the Assignment into different Unity scenes.

part1.unity has the solution to Part #1 of the assignment, which is a basic "Seek" behavior.

part2.unity uses the Unity NavMesh to implement A* pathfinding. Click once to place the player object (the skeleton), and then the second click will draw a line with the shortest path between the player and where you clicked.

part3.unity builds upon part2 but makes it so the player will now actually follow the shortest path to the point you clicked.

I seperated the logic for the 3 parts into their own AgentController and PlayerController files, so each part has its own player and agent file.

Part 1

In part one, I had to do some math to compute the angle that the player should be facing whenever the user designates a new position for the player to move to. I used Quaternion.Lerp to smoothly rotate the player as he progresses towards the destination. Then I used Vector3.MoveTowards to move the player in the direction of the clicked point progressively each frame.

Part 2

For the A* pathfinding in Parts 2 and 3, I used the Unity NavMesh feature which makes A* pathfinding much easier. I had to convert the 2D sprite world to a partially 3D world, as NavMesh is only supported for 3D games. I used 3D cubes underneath the sprites for the walls, and a 3D plane object underneath the floor which allowed me to bake a NavMesh for the player to traverse.

Once I had the NavMesh set up, I used the LineRenderer to actually draw the line that represents the path between the source (the player) and the destination (the clicked point). NavMesh makes this easy, as I just had to use .CalculatePath and it allowed me to get an array of the points along the path from the player to the clicked point. I just had to loop through this array and add these points to the LineRenderer.

Part 3

I didn't have to use to much more code than in Part 2 to implement the actual path following. Unity has a .SetDestination method which moves the player to the clicked destination. I used this to allow the player to find the shortest path between the start and end nodes.