These are my current Hyprland dotfiles, which are the configuration files that I use to customize my Hyprland installation. These files include my shell configuration, my editor configuration, my window manager configuration, and my various other preferences.
Here are some screenshots of my desktop, configured with these dotfiles: 😙
The following dependencies are required to use these dotfiles:
- Hyprland
- Zsh
- Oh-My-Zsh
- Nerd Font
- Waybar
- swaylock
- zathura
- Dunst
- Rofi
- Lazygit
- Lazydocker
- Kitty
- tmux
- stow
To install these dotfiles, clone the repository to your home directory:
git clone ~/.dotfiles
Then, run the following command to install the dotfiles using GNU Stow:
stow ~/.dotfiles/*
To use the dotfiles, simply start your session as usual. The dotfiles will be loaded automatically. after you have stowed them
If you would like to contribute to these dotfiles, please feel free to open a pull request.
These dotfiles are licensed under the MIT License.