Conway's game of life is sandbox game where the player is more of a spectator than an actual player. With the implementation of the game of life we tried to change this. We created an arcade box where the player has a set of pre-defined patterns he can use to place. Although the actual arcadeBox may not be available, to run the terminal based game all you have to do is run the java program as detailed below.


after cloning this directory run the make
commmand in the root directory

CONTROLS (Keyboard for the terminal game)

KEY Description
ARROW DOWN Moves cursor upwards.
ARROW UP Moves cursor downwards.
ARROW LEFT Moves cursor to the left
ARROW RIGHT Moves cursor to the right
W Tap: Plays/pauses the game.
Z Erases all patterns in the screen.
S Places selected pattern.
D Selects previous pattern.
A Selects next pattern.
E Increases game speed.
Q Decreases game speed.

CONTROLS (gamebox)

KEY Description
JOYSTICK_UP Moves cursor upwards.
JOYSTICK_DOWN Moves cursor downwards.
JOYSTICK_LEFT Moves cursor to the left
JOYSTICK_RIGHT Moves cursor to the right
YELLOW Tap: Plays/pauses the game. Hold: Erases all patterns in the screen.
BLUE Places selected pattern.
LEFT_BLACK Selects previous pattern.
RIGHT_BLACK Selects next pattern.
TOP_PINK Increases game speed.
BOTTOM_PINK Decreases game speed.



  • Beehive
  • Block
  • Bun


  • Blinker
  • Byflops
  • Pulsar


  • Glider


  • Die hard
  • R-pentomino


  • Pixel

Where is it now

Currently the arcade box is being held at the Radboud university where it is being used to inspire more potentential students during the Radboud open days

final product

WhatsApp Image 2022-01-27 at 5 29 03 PM

WhatsApp Image 2022-01-27 at 5 29 02 PM