This is our wedding website.
It's a static Angular app generated by the Yeoman Angular. I'm hosting it in S3. There's a Grunt task setup to deploy there, although there are a few little issues there but it's working OK.
The site handles RSVPs, a simple little authentication setup and tracks events and identity of users. The backend of the site is whatever you want to use with Segment. Currently I'm just using Segment's Mixpanel integration, along with Gauges. One or many alternatives could be hooked up through a Segment account.
With events and such, I'm tracking:
- Authentication failures
- Authentication successes
- Page views
- The RSVP process
- Begin
- Name supplied
- Yes / No
- Further details for RSVPing person
All of these are triggered as events on the user, and as we learn more details of the current user they're identified and have their details kept up-to-date.
This is working well so far, and we have RSVPs showing up like I'd hoped. We even get Mixpanel's funnel metrics and other things that are silly for a site like this but pretty fun. Adding something like auto-subscriptions to a Mailchimp list would only require a toggle of a switch in Segment and no code changes.
The map on the site is whipped up using Leaflet and currently uses a Mapbox map. I built up a GeoJSON file of various points of interest for attendees and it's funneled into the map. There are a few different flags on things in the GeoJSON to bring up different icons and colours.
Feel free to use this site as a template for your wedding (or whatever) if you wish.