Bitcoin public address brute force written in Python
- Install Python
- Install git and clone this repo:
$ sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
$ sudo apt install git -y
$ git clone
- Go into the bitcoin-bruteforce folder and install the requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Add wallets in the wallets.txt file:
$ sudo nano wallets.txt
- Run the code:
$ python3
To keep your code running you can use screen. Install screen with the following command:
sudo apt install -y screen
After that just start the Python program (exit this session by pressing ctrl
+ a
+ d
sudo screen python
If you want to connect to your last session just use:
sudo screen -r
When adding a new wallet to the wallets.txt file. Just insert it on top:
;new address here;
This Python script has multiple functions:
- OTBF (Optimized traditional bruteforce) <- This is faster than TBF
- TBF (Traditional bruteforce) <- Will try every wallet possible
- RBF (Random bruteforce)
- OBF (Online bruteforce) <- Not finished nor started
In this example we will run the TBF attack on the wallets inside of the wallets.txt file:
1. $ python # start the python program
2. $ Select bruteforce mode:
3. $ 0 - Exit
4. $ 1 - RBF
5. $ 2 - TBF
6. $ 3 - OTBF
7. $ > 1 # choose the function to use
8. $ How many cores do you want to use (8 available):
9. $ > 8 # choose how many cores you want to use
10. $
11. $ Starting bruteforce instances in mode: RBF with 1 core(s) # feedback that it started bruteforcing
After line 11 you will see the instances that started, depending on the CPU cores you picked.
When the bruteforce matches an address in the wallets.txt file. It will add or create the found.txt file. The Python program will also print the following:
$ Instance: 1 - Found: 1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ
NANO: nano_3hsbm1yhsio64gs9u8gi4hqhapydmmn9n6m8g6ijktfukjkp5bisjxm8wh6r