
:file_folder: A typesafe heterogeneous container API

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

📁 Cellarium

jitpack tests license

Cellarium is a typesafe heterogeneous container API. Unlike an ordinary Java map, a Repository may contain Items (i.e. keys) of different types.

This is a really powerful abstraction that can, for example, model database rows (that can have arbitrarily many columns of different types), user settings, or player statistics.

This project started as an exercise implementation of Joshua Bloch's Effective Java, 3rd edition Item 33: Consider typesafe heterogeneous containers. In the process, I designed a more flexible and capable API and decided to release it.

Getting started

You can install Cellarium using Maven by adding the JitPack repository to your pom.xml file:


Next, add the Cellarium dependency:


You will need to have Java 11 or later (older versions might work).


As an example, we're going to create a statistics Repository that allows its clients to store and retrieve the value of any given statistic (in Cellarium's jargon, an Item) for a given player.

First, let's create a Repository field on the Player class:

public class Player {
    private final Repository statistics;
    public Player() {
        // ...
        this.statistics = Repository.create();

Now, let's create the chess statistics we want to manage:

public final class ChessStatistics {
    public static final Item<Integer> ELO = new SimpleItem.Builder<>("elo", Integer.class)
    public static final Item<Integer> WINS = new SimpleItem.Builder<>("wins", Integer.class)

    public static final Item<Boolean> WON_LAST_MATCH = new SimpleItem.Builder<>("won_last_match", Boolean.class)

Finally, let's create an onWin method

public class Player {
    // ...
    public void onWin() {
        // Set new ranking
        int eloDiff = 4; // TODO Perform actual calculation
        IntItemUtil.addToValue(statistics, ChessStatistics.ELO, eloDiff);

        // Increment win count by 1
        IntItemUtil.incrementValue(statistics, ChessStatistics.WINS);

        // Set won last match
        statistics.setValue(ChessStatistics.WON_LAST_MATCH, true);

Repositories can store any kind of object. In this case, we used IntItemUtil to handle common tasks such as incrementing a statistic.

Cellarium also includes utilities for booleans in BooleanItemUtil, and enumerations in EnumItemUtil.

Please note repositories are not thread-safe, so you will need to add synchronization for concurrent access.

Additional documentation for individual features can be found in the Javadoc. For additional help, you can create an issue and I will try to respond as fast as I can.


MIT © Hugo Manrique