Install nest cli

npm i -g @nestjs/cli

Generate new nest project

nest new <name>

Start Deving

npm run start:dev

CLI options for generating modules/controllers

nest generate module <module-name>

# --flat so we don't create a new folder inside the `messages` folder
nest generate controller messages/messages --flat

Setting up Automatic Validation

There are 4 steps to setting up automatic validation with Nesjs

  1. Tell Nest to use global validation
  2. Create a class that describes the different properties that the request body should have. (Data Transfer Object or DTS)
  3. Add validation rules to the class
  4. Apply that class to the request handler

Data Transfer Object (DTOs)

The goal of a DTO is to carry data between two places. They are simply a class to describe what data looks like as it is being transfered.

Services and Repositiories

Services Repositiories
Its a class Its a class
#1 Place to put any business logic #1 place to put storage-related logic
Uses one or more Repositiories to find and store data Usually ends up being a TypeORM entity, a Mongoose schema, or similar


MessageService MessageRepository
findOne(id: string) findOne(id: string)
findAll() findAll()
create(message: string) create(message: string)

Dependency Injection

Allows us to use the Inversion of Control principle without having to create all the deps ourselves.

General Flow:

Dependency Injection only within a module

Dependency Injection between 2 modules


Nest JS Server Tools Diagram

Example Module Diagram