
An android componentization protocol framework, used for decoupling complex project

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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lib androidrouter androidrouter-compiler androidrouter-annotations
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High-performance, flexible, easy-to-use lightweight Android component-based framework, Used to solve the interdependence of complex projects, A single module is conducive to independent development and maintenance.


  • Project decoupling
  • Stand-alone develop,Stand-alone maintenance.
  • Make life better


  • Uses annotation processing to generate boilerplate code for you.
  • Exception centralized processing.
  • Any parameter type return.
  • Runtime parameter parse,Support different types of delivery.
    • From jsonObject => To Object
    • From jsonArray => To List
    • From Object A => To Object A
    • From Object A => To Object B
    • From List< A> => To Object List< B>

Modular architecture diagram


//Add dependencies inside application/library.
dependencies {
    compile 'com.library.tangxiaolv:androidrouter:1.0.1'
    annotationProcessor 'com.library.tangxiaolv:androidrouter-compiler:1.0.0

Getting Started

Note:Android-Router Protocol Format: scheme://host/path?params=json scheme[1] host[1] path[2] params[2] 1:required 2:option

###Step 1:Setup router module.

 * Supported parameter types
 * float
 * int
 * long
 * double
 * boolean
 * String
 * List<?>
 * Map<String,Object>
 * custom object
 * default parameter: Application context, String scheme, VPromise promise
@RouterModule(scheme = "android", host = "main")
public class MainModule implements IRouter {

    //Route => android://main
    public void def(Application context, String scheme, VPromise promise) {
        promise.resolve("","from scheme: [" + scheme + "] " + "path: []");

    //Route => android://main/activity/localActivity
    public void openLocalActivityAndReturnResult(Application context, VPromise promise) {
        String tag = promise.getTag();
        Intent intent = new Intent(context, LocalActivity.class);
        intent.putExtra("tag", tag);

    //Take out the value from json object
    //Route => android://main/params/basis?params={'f':1,'i':2,'l':3,'d':4,'b':true}
    public void paramsBasis(float f, int i, long l, double d, boolean b,
                            String scheme, VPromise promise) {
        promise.resolve("","from scheme: [" + scheme + "] " + "path: [/params/basis]");

    //Take out the complex value from json object
    //Route => android://main/params/complex?params={'b':{},'listC':[]}
    public void paramsComplex(B b, List<C> listC, String scheme, VPromise promise) {
        promise.resolve("","from scheme: [" + scheme + "] " + "path: [/params/complex]");

    //From json object => to object
    //The key must be "_params_"
    public void paramsPakege(Package _params_, String scheme, VPromise promise) {
        promise.resolve("","from scheme: [" + scheme + "] " + "path: [/jsonObject]");

    //From json array => to List
    //The key must be "_params_"
    public void jsonArray(List<A> _params_, String scheme, VPromise promise) {
        promise.resolve("","from scheme: [" + scheme + "] " + "path: [/jsonArray]");

    //eg: from A => to B
    //If passed different type of object.The basic params name and type must be the same.
    public void differentTypes(A a, List<A> listA, String scheme, VPromise promise) {
        promise.resolve("","from scheme: [" + scheme + "] " + "path: [/differentTypes]");

    //If you want to return an error.Recommend use RouterRemoteException
    public void throwError(VPromise promise) {
        promise.reject(new RouterRemoteException("I'm error................."));

//Support multiple scheme.
@RouterModule(scheme = "android|remote", host = "lib")
public class RemoteModule implements IRouter {

    public void openRemoteActivity(Application context, String scheme, VPromise promise) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(context, RemoteActivity.class);
        intent.putExtra("tag", promise.getTag());

###Step 2:Invoke

AndroidRouter.open("android://main/activity/localActivity").call(new Resolve() {
        public void call(String type, Object result) {
            //Receive result
    }, new Reject() {
        public void call(Exception e) {
            //All routing errors are callback here.

AndroidRouter.open("android", "main", "/differentTypes", null)
    .showTime()//Show time
    .call();//Igone result and error.


//Add proguard-rules
-keep class * implements com.tangxiaolv.router.interfaces.IMirror{*;}
-keep class * implements com.tangxiaolv.router.interfaces.IRouter{*;}


Copyright 2017 TangXiaoLv

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.