- Contents
- About
- Emacs Initialization
- Don’t litter configs
- Moe theme:
- Personal Information
- Some config helper functions
- Change Emacs default config
- Configure Emacs builtin packages
- Simple: Change some default keybinding (kill-this-buffer, up/downcase-dwim)
- Auto-revert: Revert buffer when file changes on disk
- Epa
- Saveplace: Remember your location in a file
- Savehist: Keep track of minibuffer history
- Ansi-color
- Compile
- Subword: CamelCase aware editing operations
- Shr: Simple html renderer
- Help
- Makefile
- Goto-addr: Buttonize URLs and e-mail addresses in the current buffer
- Time
- Calendar
- UI
- Alert: Growl-style notification system
- Sauron: Event log (listen to d-bus and other messages and show them)
- Eldoc: Display help
- Dimmer: Visually highlight the selected buffer
- Hl-todo: Highlight and navigate TODO keywords
- Fill-column-indicator
- Volatile highlights
- beacon: Highlight current line/cursor when switching frames
- which-key: Display available keybindings in popup
- which-func: Show the name of the current function definition in the modeline
- Nicer buffer name for buffers with same name
- Highlight indentions
- Emoji font
- Automatically remove trailing whitespace (only if I put them there)
- Highlight long lines
- Zone: Emacs screen saver
- Sticky-buffer: Lock a buffer to a window
- Editor
- Lossage: Live update lossage buffer
- hippie-exp: Expand by fuzzy matching text in open buffers
- rainbow-delimiters: Different color for each paranthesis level
- fancy-narrow: Fancier narrow
- crux: Various small useful utility functions
- smartparens
- Misc
- smartrep: Repeat previous command without prefix key
- copy-as-format: Copy text as GitHub/Slack/JIRA/HipChat/… formatted code
- zop-to-char: Remove multiple characters at once
- Cycle outline and code visibility
- edit-indirect: Edit a region in a separate buffer
- with-editor: Use local Emacs instance as $EDITOR (e.g. in `git commit’ or `crontab -e’)
- Move text
- Grep (wgrep/rg/ag)
- Grep-context: Get more context for compilation/grep buffers by pressing +/-
- Search/Replace
- Prescient
- deadgrep: Interface for ripgrep
- Company: Auto completion
- Helpful: A better help buffer
- Project Management
- Ivy
- Navigation
- Sort packages
- Dired
- Helm
- Hydras
- Tramp
- Eshell
- Version Control
- Programming
- General setup
- C/C++
- GLSL: OpenGLSL shader
- Configs (yaml/toml/ini/.conf/etc)
- Debugging
- Elixir
- Fish
- Go
- Haskell
- Javascript
- Lisps
- Lua
- Markup Languages
- Nim
- Octave
- Python
- Cython
- Main Python setup
- Anaconda: Code navigation, documentation lookup and completion for Python
- Pippel: List, install, upgrade packages with pip
- Pip requirements
- Sphinx
- Python-test: Run python tests with unittest, pytest, django
- Pyramid
- Django
- Pydoc: Nicer documentation view
- Isort
- Blacken: Auto format Python buffer with black
- Virtualenvwrapper: Automatically switch virtualenvs on projectile switch project
- Redis
- Ruby
- Rust
- Solidity (Ethereum)
- Typescript
- Web
- personal.el
- Org
- Org Packages
- Org-agenda
- Org-babel
- Org-src
- Org-indent: Indent text according to outline structure.
- Org-bullets: Use utf-8 characters instead of `*` as bullet points
- Org-capture
- Org-clock:
- Org-crypt: Encrypt parts in org file tagged with ~CRYPT~
- Org-export
- Org-habit: Track habits
- Org-man: Make org-links work with man pages
- Org-expiry: Automatically add a CREATED property when inserting a new headline
- Org-id: Create ID property with new task
- Org-table
- Org-pomodoro
- Org-jira: Sync issues with Jira
- Org-github: Sync issues with GitHub
- Orgit: org-link support for magit buffers
- Counsel-org-clock
- Org Packages
- Irc
- Window Manager
- Transmission: Bittorent
- Multimedia
- Misc
- Atomx
- Gif-Screencasts: One-frame-per-action GIF recording
- IPInfo: Get IP info from ipinfo.io
- Systemctl
- OVPN: OpenVPN management mode
- Ledger: Accounting
- Elfeed: Atomx/RSS news reader
- Info-beamer
- Nov: Read EPUBs
- Pocket reader
- Eww
- Wolfram alpha
- Tea timer
- Web Server: A web server running handlers written in Emacs Lisp
- Debug emacs init startup time
- Unsortet stuff in no packages
- Post Initialization