
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hydrogen Demo store integrating Dynamic Yield

This demo store is a clone of the demo-store template provided by Shopify with examples of how to integrate the Dynamic Yield APIs.


  • A Dynamic Yield account
  • Dynamic Yield v2 Shopify app
  • Node.js version 16.14.0 or higher

Configure environmental variables.

Add two variables to the .env file in the root of your project:

If hosting on Oxygen, these variables can be configured in the admin interface.

Start the demo store locally

npm run dev

Dynamic Yield API integration

The following files contain the changes related to the Dynamic Yield APIs:

  • dyapi.jsx is added to the app directory. This file contains some Dynamic Yield helper functions.
  • root.jsx includes code to trigger pageview tracking to Dynamic Yield.
    • The helper function useContextFromLoaders gets the context information from the routes.
    • useLocation is used to trigger client side calls back to a new route: /api/pv
  • app/routes/($locale).api.pv.jsx A new route to handle pageview calls and trigger calls to the Dynamic Yield API using the reportPageView function from dyapi.jsx.
  • app/routes/($locale)._index.jsx includes code to specify the Dynamic Yield 'page context' (homepage) and make a request to the choose endpoint of the Dynamic Yield API for the campaign HP Hero. The data returned from the API is used to replace the default primaryHero.
  • app/routes/($locale).products.$productHandle.jsx includes code to set the correct page context (product). A placeholder call is made to the choose endpoint (no campaigns are requested yet).
  • app/routes/($locale).products._index.jsx includes code to set the correct page context (category). A placeholder call is made to the choose endpoint (no campaigns are requested yet).