
Yeoman generator to kickstart your Power Apps Component Framework project.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

generator-pcf npm npm

Yeoman generator to kickstart your Power Apps Component Framework project.


First of all you need to install Power Apps CLI which is must-have for PCF development.

Secondly, make sure that you add MSBuild to your path variable.

The location where you can find it if you have Visual Studio 2017 installed:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\

or maybe if you have Visual Studio 2019:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Preview\MSBuild\Current\Bin


First, install Yeoman and generator-pcf using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-pcf

Then generate your new project by answering the prompts:

yo pcf --force

or just passing the command line arguments:

yo pcf --ns Fic --n SuperCoolControl --t field --pkg 2 --pp fic --pn IvanFicko --force


Name Alias Type Description Required Default
skip-msbuild sb bool Do not run MSBuild at end NO false
skip-solution ss bool Do not create CDS soution project NO false
force bool Overwrite all files NO false
controlNamespace ns string Control Namespace NO undefined
controlName n string Control name NO undefined
controlTemplate t string Choose control template:
  • field
  • dataset
NO undefined
npmPackage pkg int Additional NPM packages:
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = React
  • 2 = React + Fluent UI
NO undefined
publisherPrefix pp string Publisher prefix for solution NO undefined
publisherName pn string Publisher name for solution NO undefined
solutionPackageType spt string Solution type that will be created after msbuild command NO undefined

* All options that will be undefined will result in a prompt for that value


Name Description
resx Adding RESX files to your project.
readme Generates README file based on control metadata.
github-action Generates GitHub Actions Workflow file for the repo.


  • Creates basic PCF project like Power Apps CLI
  • Adds sample files (RESX, CSS, preview image, ...)
  • Installs additional NPM dependencies
  • Initializes Power Apps solution

Release notes


  • Enhancements
    • Added support for virtual components with React/Fluent UI


  • Features
    • Added option to use source maps
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed .eslintrc.json settings for TypeScript


  • Features
    • Added featureconfig.json file in the project initialization


  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed publisher display name in solution XML


  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed typo in warning message when MSBuild is not found in path variable
  • Other
    • Added Azure App Insights tracking for events


  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed bug with path when adding solution reference to a project file


  • Enhancements
    • GitHub action now supports creating the release by manual execution
    • You can now define which solution type will be created after executing the build command


  • Other
    • Removed custom manifest XML templates, it's now using XMLs created by the Power Apps CLI
    • Changed manifest XML editing logic


  • Features
    • You can now generate GitHub action for automatic release creation by calling pcf:github-action sub-generator
  • Other
    • Changed solution folder structure to from Solutions to Solution/<CONTROL_NAME> to be compatible with other tools


  • Features
    • You can now choose preview image for README from all images found in the project directory


  • Enhancements
    • You can now define a skip-solution flag to skip the CDS solution initialization


  • Enhancements
    • You can now choose the locale for README file from the list of all available RESX files


  • Features
    • You can now generate README file from control metadata by calling pcf:readme sub-generator


  • Enhancements
    • You can now pass multiple LCIDs via command line parameter


  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed bug you try to add RESX file in a project that is not created with PCF Generator


  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed bug when main generator is called with CLI arguments


  • Features
    • pcf:resx now adds RESX file reference to manifest too
    • main pcf generator now checks the prerequisites (Power Apps CLI & MSBuild)
  • Other
    • Prettified code


  • Features
    • You can now add additional RESX files by pcf:resx sub-generator
  • Other
    • Refactor using sub-generators


  • Enhancements
    • Common values are now stored next run (namespace, publisher prefix & name)


  • Features
    • You can now pass arguments via command line parameters


  • Initial release


MIT © Ivan Ficko