Dynatrace Config Manager
Please note: this is a community developed application. It is provided without any representations, warranties, or support from Dynatrace. If you have questions about this app, please post on our forum or create an issue on Github
Moving configs from tenant to tenant is not a simple task.
This tool has been built in order to help every Dynatrace enthusiasts get as much value as possible from their platform.
Getting started
Download terraform.exe and add it to your path
Watch the Youtube quick start from Omar Zaal.
You can download the tool from the Latest Release page
Access Token hygiene
This tool is not using a Vault to store your access tokens.
It is recommended that the tokens you create have a 24 hours life span and that you delete them when you are done using the tool.
TerraComposer: Reveal terraform's hidden potential
TerraComposer manipulates terraform files and state to create new functionalities.
- Apply configurations from Source tenant to Target tenant.
- Create terraform states from existing configurations.
- Multi Targeting: Plan and apply only a specified set of configuration and their dependencies, at lightning speed.
- Omit Destroy: Push new configurations and changes without destroying existing unrelated configurations.
OneTopology: Precision at scale
OneTopology processes reconcile Source tenant topology with Target tenant topology, as One Topology.
- Configurations from the Source tenant will land on the right entities, even if their IDs change during the migration process (Host, Synthetic test, Application, Service, etc.).
- It is optimised for speed and precision.
- Ensures that you will not be limited to the Config Manager.
- You can keep using Configuration as Code (aka Monaco), Terraform or UI screens in parallel without breaking Config Manager functionalities.
Feeling creative?
You can also install the tool Locally, but this is only meant for commiters.