
This was a standalone project for Operating Systems (COP 4610) to provide deadlock detection and prevention using the Banker's algorithm.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

  • Title: BankersAlgorithm
  • Author: Matthew Boyette
  • Class: Operating Systems (COP 4610)
  • Professor: Dr. Sanjay Ahuja
  • Term: Fall 2017

This is a standalone Java project for Operating Systems (COP 4610) to provide deadlock detection and prevention using the Banker's algorithm. It uses the JAMA package's Matrix data structure, which is included with this repository in a Java archive (**.JAR*). See JAMA's website for more information.

VERY IMPORTANT: The program's default input routines assume that all data corresponding to matrices or vectors are entered from left-to-right, and from top-to-bottom!

File Listing


  • output_deny_unsafe.txt: a plain-text file containing sample input/output for a case denying additional resources because it would result in an unsafe state.
  • output_grant_safe.txt: a plain-text file containing sample input/output for a case granting additional resources because it would result in an safe state.

Source Code:

  • BankersAlgorithm.java: A java source file containing the code for the BankersAlgorithm class. This is where the magic happens! The class is versatile, reusable, and extendable.


  • README.md: a Markdown document containing the program's documentation.
  • LICENSE.md: a Markdown document containing the program's licensing information.
  • makefile.unix: a standard makefile for a Unix-like development environment. Rename to 'makefile' to use.
  • makefile.windows: a standard makefile for a Windows development environment. Rename to 'makefile' to use.
  • JAMA-1.0.3.jar: a Java archive containing the JAMA package (and most notably, the Matrix structure) which is developed by the mathematics department of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).


  • make


  • make execute

Clean Up

  • make clean