
This is a brief assessment to gauge development skills

Primary LanguageJava

Developer Assessment - Integrations

The purpose of this assessment is to gauge development experience. The ideal candidate will use their experience to demonstrate well structured and efficient code with best practices considered.


  1. ALL CODE MUST BE WRITTEN INDEPENDENTLY BY YOU. Any applicant that copies code directly will disqualify his/her candidacy.
  2. You can leverage online resources to help, but must write original code.
  3. You can add any necessary PUBLIC MAVEN dependencies by adding them into the pom.xml file


  1. Start in the Main.java file and add code to the util and domain classes
  2. Parse the CSV and TSV files into Product objects
  3. Store all UNIQUE products in memory (with the most accurate information)
  4. Transform these products into two different data formats, JSON and XML
  5. Output these transformations to products.json and products.xml files

Given information :

  1. You are given two input files :
  • products.csv
  • products.tsv
  1. These files contain a list of products
  2. The CSV and TSV are both valid formats
  3. A product's uniqueness is determined by it's SKU (if two products have the same SKU, then they are the same product)
  4. products.csv contains more accurate information than products.tsv
  5. The provided project is a Maven project and should remain in this structure
  6. PUBLIC MAVEN third party libraries are allowed for parsing & transforming data
  • An example dependency has been added to demonstrate this (com.opencsv). Using this dependency is NOT required, but is allowed.

Building project

    mvn package

This will create a .jar file named dev-assessment-1.0.jar in the /target directory

Running build (.jar file)

    java -jar target/dev-assessment-1.0.jar

We will run the above commands to build/run your assessment. Please ensure running these commands works before submitting your project.

On a Linux/UNIX system - this can also be done by running the run.sh file

    sh run.sh


  1. Provide your entire project (including source code) in a .zip file
  2. Provide the number of hours it took for you to complete the assessment


  • A CSV record may contain a comma in it that's not a delimiter
  • XML files always require a root node

Closing remarks

If you are unsure about anything - please make your best assumption and document that assumption in assumptions.txt file provided