How to use

  1. Fork this repo. For the links below to work properly, you need to follow this help from your forked repo.
  2. Get your LTUID and LTOKEN values from HoYoLAB
    • LTUID is just your HoYoLAB user ID. It can be found on Account info page under your username or in the URL
    • LTOKEN is a browser cookie used to authenticate yourself to HoYoLAB. Obtaining it is a little trickier:
      • Go to HoYoLAB and make sure you are logged in
      • Press Ctrl+Shift+I or just F12 to open developer tools
      • Open Application tab, under Storage section expand Cookies and select
      • Using search you can find both LTUID and LTOKEN keys
  3. Add them to your repo's Secrets
  4. Go to Actions and enable them, then open the workflow and enable it too
  5. (Optional) If you want to sign-in right now, go to Actions > HoYoLAB Daily Sign-in and run workflow.


If you change your HoYoLAB password, LTOKEN value changes too. Don't forget to update it!