Description: This project extends QML by providing widgets that is used by Deepin applications.
- Qt5.3 or above
- Qt modules
- gui
- widgets
- qml
- quick
- webkit
- x11extras
- pkgconfig
- xcb
- xcomposite
- xcb-damage
- gtk+-2.0
- deepin-gettext-tools
- DBus
mkdir build; cd build
qmake ..
make; make install
import QtQuick 2.0
import Deepin.Widgets 1.0
DDialog {
width: 300
height: 300
title: "Deepin QML Widgets"
DssH2 {
text: "Hello World!"
anchors.centerIn: parent
To see all the widgets that are provided, please refer to qmldir and examples;
Any usage issues can ask for help via
We encourage you to report issues and contribute changes
Deepin QML Widgets is licensed under GPLv3.