
Which libraries do you use?

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I'm trying to locate correct sources and versions of all libraries but I'm not sure I got it correct. It would be great if you could help me out, maybe update the readme?

My PPMReader ( does not match the function prototype
crossbow:38: error: no matching function for call to 'PPMReader::PPMReader(int, int, bool)'

Then I need to fix the InterruptHandler to support the M0 chip but thats another story :)

ok, I was using the wrong lib, Just found your which I assume is the correct one. But then I realized that you are using sbus from your transceiver..

I have also found:

which seems to work.

Have you used the PPMReader at the same time as the lora library? I am having trouble getting communications to run when I am instantiating the ppmReader, interrupt conflict?

PPM reader is not longer used in current code. The only external lib would be Adafruit_SSD1306. Everything else is part of the project itself

Thanks, I'll try to get a PPM working then (I do not have sbus output)