
Small project with Django Rest Framework

Primary LanguagePython

Restaurant voting app

Vote for the best restaurant today.

Set up the project using Pipenv

To install projects dependencies run:

pipenv install

Run database migrations:

pipenv run python manage.py migrate

Run the project with:

pipenv run python manage.py runserver

Using Docker

Build the project:

docker-compose build

Run the project:

docker-compose up

Running migrations, tests and linter with Docker

Enter the web app's Docker container:

docker exec -it django_app bash

Run database migrations

python manage.py migrate

Run tests:

coverage run manage.py test

Run linter:

flake8 --exclude ./restaurants/tests,./lunchvote/settings.py,./restaurants/migrations


  • /api/restaurants/

    Accepts GET and POST requests. Retrieves a list of existing restaurants or to create new restaurant instances.

  • api/restaurants/{id}/

    Accepts GET, PUT and DELETE requests. Retrieve, update or delete specific restaurant instances.

  • api/restaurants/{id}/history/

    Accepts GET requests. Retrieves historic data for a specific restaurant, displaying data (date, total vote result, number of distinct voter ip addresses) for days when the restaurant received votes.

  • /api/vote/

    Accepts POST requests. Requires the id of a restaurant, for which the vote is being cast. Example data:

        "restaurant": 6

    The first vote from the same ip counts as 1, the second as 0.5, the third and subsequent votes as 0.25.

    Currently the voting is limited to 10 votes from one IP.